Canyon tour near Torngat National Park

Canyon tour near Torngat National Park

  • hiking
  • Labrador
  • Photography
  • Wildlife

Written by Alain Lagacé

Explore the canyons near Torngat Park in Labrador. Canyons are amazingly shaped natural gems and are the number one (1) choice for adventurous travelers.

Hidden Canyon is a fine example of a "box canyon" dead end canyon in the Torngat Mountains. At first glance the entrance of the canyon seems impenetrable as much as its mouth is narrow. After having penetrated a few dozen meters inside the canyon, this is where the real geological treasure is revealed. The eroded walls are marked by layers of gneiss, mica schists and long sinuous quartz veins.

The more you advance in the gorge, the more you discover breathtaking landscapes! Erosion crevices, small waterfalls, overhanging rocks, skylights and the echo that resonate at the slightest sound. The depth of the gorge is 209 meters / 685 ft and is 6 to 9 meters / 20 to 30 feet in width in the narrowest part.

By mid-August, Hidden Canyon is completely dry for over 4 km and is a dream location to explore.

Another canyon in the Torngat Mountains region that is just as impressive but different is the Dry Canyon.

Dry Canyon is located at the end of the longest and most imposing canyon in Eastern Canada "Fraser Canyon". This captivating Dry Canyon stands over 350 meters / 1148 ft in height and in the middle of summer it has dried up for over 1.5 km.

Dry Canyon is a must-see for discovering fascinating geological formations and beautiful waterfalls with thin angel hair that tumble down from colorful cliffs. Entering a narrow canyon is a totally unique experience. As you walk to the bottom of the canyon, you will hear the runoff of an underground river flowing beneath your feet.

The canyon is particularly beautiful around noon, when the sun comes in and allows you to observe absolutely fabulous play of light. The Dry Canyon is an excellent place to discover to soak up its fantastic landscapes. Even the less good photographers leave with striking beauty shots.

The canyon is also a nesting place for the peregrine falcon. It's common to hear the shrill cry of hawks echoing through the canyon and still not knowing where it came from.

If you need help planning your next 2021 Golden Peninsula adventure, let us know.

Alain Lagacé -

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